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MySQL Cheat Sheet

Mikiya Okuno has released a simple “MySQL Cheat Sheet” recently. It is designed for those who newly starts using MySQL or uses it occasionally. It fits one page of A4 size perfectly.

You can download it from here:

The license is CC-BY-SA, i.e. redistribution and modifications are allowed under CC license.

Gwen Stefani – What You Waiting For

Minnutes – More To Love

Today is Target’s turn to have its commercial song published 🙂 .

[audio:|titles=More To Love|artists=Minnutes]

Minnutes has released their debut CD “Pretty Baby”. Unfortunately there is not much other information about the group. Play Minnutes to get to know them better.

MySQL Conference & Expo Apart MySQL AB

O’Reilly has announced they’re going to have a MySQL conference independently of Sun/MySQL AB. They promise to open the call for participation and registration in mid-December.

Other news is that Percona is not going to proceed with plans for their own Performance Conference. They are participating in the O’Reilly conference as a Gold Partner.

In spite of some changes there is still a good reason to visit Santa Clara 🙂 .

Update: Well… Sun has become a founding sponsor. Call for presentations as well as registration are open.

Akita Inu

Gorgeous Japanese dog (not mine).
Akina Inu

Hidden price of free MySQL webinars

Although it is important I believe not many people bother themselves to read things like privacy policy. So keep in mind this line of MySQL Privacy Policy:

MySQL’s personnel and entrusted third parties may have access to the personal information you provide to us on a need-to-know basis from any country in which MySQL’s personnel is located.

And it is not a precaution ‘just in case’. Not only MySQL sales will start e-mailing or even calling you but their partners too. As soon as you subscribe for a webinar, ‘partners’ will get your contact data. Some of them have unsubscribe feature though unlike MySQL’s newsletters where unsubscribe means to change greeting from ‘Hello Alex’ to ‘Hello CONTACT_NAME’. 🙂

However I don’t really want to sound negative. MySQL webinars are very interesting and important for self-education. It is always helpful not only to listen to others experience but be able to ask questions some Chief DBA or VP of Engineering directly.

Just be aware what information to share – forewarned is forearmed.

How to build a company where the best software developers want to work

Joel Spolsky shared his ingenious formula on how to build a company where the best software developers want to work with the world.

It is extremely simple though. 🙂

The best company formula

Fortunately not only Fog Creek Software uses this approach.

NoSQL East Conference: Tail

NoSQL East 2009

NoSQL East Conference 2009 summary has been published recently. So called tail includes links to feedback posts as well as some photos.

Also video and slides are available for only three talks:

but more to come.

P.S.: seems like NoSQL (No SQL) might be converted to NOSQL (Not Only SQL). Will see how things are going to develop around NoSQL community.

Update: More video became available:



It is sad that James Cameron did not direct Terminator 3 and 4. But after some years in the shadow he is back with the huge exciting project. A new extended version of Avatar trailer has become available. It is coming to movie theaters in December.

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