PHP Community Conference
It has been written a lot about PHP Community Conference in Nashville, TN. The conference was definitely worth visiting. It was packed with outstanding PHP developers who were willing to share their knowledge and experience.
This post is mostly for my own records. Thus further reading:
- detailed PHP Community Conference Review by Calvin Froedge.
- slides and summary of major talks byJonathon Hill in Takeaways from PHPCon, day 1 and Takeaways from PHPCon, day 2.
And traditionally a few pictures from the field.
- This is not the venue entrance but shows Nashville atmosphere very well
- Lorna Mitchell on web-services
- Frontend caching explained
- Nashville downtown
- Spaz hackathon in the evening
- Opening keynote by Rasmus Lerdorf
- Paul Reinheimer shared the story of how he built WonderProxy
- Drew McLellan‘s presentation about Perch
Looking forward to PHP Community Conference 2012!