Archive for October, 2012

PHPUnit: how to run specific tests

There might be a need to run a specific test or a subset of tests. Either it is just debugging a broken test or a new method or organizing tests into a suite.

A simple way to do that would be via ––filter switch:
phpunit ––filter testSomething

Alternatively a test can be tagged as belonging to a group using the @group annotation like this:

class MyTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
     * @group testGroup
    public function testSomething()

Tests can be selected for execution based on groups using ––group switch:
phpunit ––group testGroup

An extra benefit of the @group annotation is that ––exclude-group switch also allows to ignore groups of tests.

jQuery – YUI 3 Rosetta Stone

This post is basically to point out a great resource on how to make a smooth transition between jQuery and YUI.

jQuery – YUI 3 Rosetta Stone shows each framework code side by side with some comments where necessary. All major components including events, selectors, animations & effects, Ajax are covered.

Kudos to Carlos, Ryan, and Paul!

MySQL: unique case sensitive varchar

MySQL is case insensitive by default and normally it is more than enough. However one of my recent projects required a case sensitive varchar column with unique index. Latter would immediately trigger ‘Duplicate entry … for key …’ error for “the same” strings.

  name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, 
INSERT INTO file (name) VALUES ('test.txt'), ('test.TXT');

For example in the query above the second insert fails returning that error.

A way to address this is just to use a case sensitive collation (e.g. utf8_bin).

  name VARCHAR(100) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, 

Patterns for Splitting User Stories

If you are serious about your user stories, there is a great article by Richard Lawrence about patterns for splitting user stories.

Richard suggests nine patterns based on INVEST model (Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, and Testable). The key is to split user stories into good smaller stories rather than create a story for each architectural layer (one story for the UI, another for the database – this may satisfy small but fails at independent).

Although this is a “must read” article there is also a shorter version in a form of cheet sheet.

What is user story?

While most user stories in Agile are written in the form of “As a [type of user] I [want/can/am able to/need to/etc.] so that [some reason].” this is not always the case though. 🙂

What is user story?

Top 5 JavaScript Interview Questions

So here we go with the top 5 of JavaScript interview questions based on my experience several months back.

Question #1 is [of course] to explain what closure is. This is almost like a must have question even for a pure back end developer position (though PHP has closures too). It’s really important not just explain what it is (and mention scope) but also be able to give an example.

Question #2 is to talk about OOP in JavaScript. Of course the main thing is about prototype but often it’s not enough. For example additional questions could be about inheritance or private class members.

Question #3 is about cross-domain AJAX calls. The keyword here is “jsonp” but also it is actually a good idea to understand how it works and be prepared to explain the details or even talk about alternatives.

Question #4 is to cover JavaScript debugging and optimization. Especially for debugging besides alert() and console.log() it is really cool to bring up Firebug and its ability to debug with breakpoints (!). Optimization bullet points could include minifying, utilizing CDNs, loading order, caching, local storage etc.

Finally Question #5 is to discuss JavaScript tools, libraries, and frameworks. Backbone.js is obviously a super hot framework but really anything matters. Besides popular frameworks like YUI, jQuery, extJS there are also jQuery UI, Require.js, Underscore.js, Minify.js or even node.js and Jasmine. It is always a bonus point if at least one library is brought to the table.

Bonus recommendation is to stay cautious so that an interviewer would not be able to use a white board trick like below when functions are declared but are NOT called.

// what is the value of a? (it is not 1!)
var a = function () { return 1; }
// what is the value of b? (it is 1!)
b = 1;
function test() {
  b = b + 1;

Other than that it is always good to remember “classic” JavaScript (e.g. getDocumentById or innerHTML and so on).