Archive for the 'Funny stuff' Category

IKEA cars

IKEA car

Sweet Dream Sudoku

Sweet Dream Sudoku

Girls rock a giant piano

Excuse me… Did you say something?

Excuse me... Did you say something?

Scrum In 13 seconds

What is cocoa butter?

The other day I got a coupon for a free 16 oz. Cocoa Butter (thank you, Publix!).

What do you think cocoa butter is? I expected something eatable…

… And went to butter\margarine section immediately. Nope… Then tried baking section. There were different kinds of chocolate and some cocoa. Oops, no cocoa butter agian.
Hmm… Almost forgot about it. And suddenly it was found exactly in skin care section 🙂 .

So right answer – cocoa butter is a skin lotion:

Cocoa Butter

Is MySQL free?


Cat massage

I am ready for… TV?


Pompous white cat


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